Tuesday, October 18, 2011

How is it possible?

  • That I sang along, in the car at full volume, to songs by the Indigo Girls, Randy Newman and Colby Caillat? I am embarrassed for myself. Damn you, Coffee House channel.
  • That I ate no less than four cupcakes today. They were minis. But still.
  • That I got lost in Target today for a good ten minutes. Fluorescent lighting confuses me.
  • That almost every video we take of Mr. Monk these days features at least one fall. Better get the band aids ready.
  • That right when I start having second thoughts about ending my career as a milk supplier, the goods up and all but disappear on their own. The body works in (not so) mysterious ways.
  • That doing one tiny something nice for someone else is so much more thrilling than doing nearly anything for myself.
  • That despite spending at least an hour every day cleaning my house, the floor still looks (and feels) crunchy. Perhaps I should just stop going barefoot.
  • That my 96-year-old grandmother went to her stretch and flex class today, but thinks she might be a little too tired for her silver sneakers class tomorrow. Maybe next week, Gramma!
  • That one year ago today I gave birth to a beautiful, curious, eager, sweet, innovative, happy, hilarious and impossibly strong little monkey. More to come when I can fully process this information.
  • That my big boy had a virtual birthday party with both of his grammas, one of his aunts and his baby cousin who all live 3,000 miles away. Technology is supremely awesome.


  1. Happy birthday! How sweet!

  2. Oooh, the pictures! :) He is SUCH a handsome little stud! :) Happy birthday to him and congratulations to you and the Mr.!

  3. Awww I like this post so much I'm actually taking the time to hunt and peck out this comment cause my other hand is holding a dill pickle.
    Happy birthday to your little monkey and just for the record...there's nothing wrong with belting it out to Colbie Callait.

    Kind of.

  4. Thanks, ladies! Life with a toddler is fun and LOUD! Getting ready for the partay this weekend--sangria will be served in large quantities.

  5. Hey its okay if you ate four cupcakes..they were minis so I doesn't fully count ;) Your son is ADORABLE!!

  6. Aww, Happy Birthday to little man! LOL, I would've eaten more than 4 mini cupcakes too!

  7. Happy belated birthday to your little monkey!
